对世界各地的急诊部门(ED)服务的需求不断增长,特别是在Covid-19大流行下。风险三环在优先考虑最需要它们的患者的有限医疗资源方面发挥着至关重要的作用。最近,普遍使用电子健康记录(EHR)已经产生了大量的存储数据,伴随着开发可改善紧急护理的预测模型的巨大机会。然而,没有基于大型公共EHR的广泛接受的ED基准,这是新的研究人员可以轻松访问的基准。填补这种差距的成功可以使研究人员更快,方便地开始研究,而无需详细数据预处理,并促进不同研究和方法之间的比较。在本文中,基于医疗信息MART为重症监护IV急诊部门(MIMIC-IV-ED)数据库,我们提出了一款公共ED基准套件,并获得了从2011年到2019年的50万ED访问的基准数据集。三个ed已经介绍了基于预测任务(住院,关键结果和72小时ED Revisit),其中实施了各种流行的方法,从机器学习方法到临床评分系统进行了实施。他们的性能结果评估并进行了比较。我们的代码是开源,因此任何具有访问模仿-IV-ED的人都可以遵循相同的数据处理步骤,构建基准,并重现实验。本研究提供了洞察力,建议,以及未来研究人员的协议,以处理原始数据并快速建立紧急护理模型。
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Position modeling plays a critical role in Transformers. In this paper, we focus on length extrapolation, i.e., training on short texts while evaluating longer sequences. We define attention resolution as an indicator of extrapolation. Then we propose two designs to improve the above metric of Transformers. Specifically, we introduce a relative position embedding to explicitly maximize attention resolution. Moreover, we use blockwise causal attention during inference for better resolution. We evaluate different Transformer variants with language modeling. Experimental results show that our model achieves strong performance in both interpolation and extrapolation settings. The code will be available at https://aka.ms/LeX-Transformer.
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Despite their widespread adoption, neural conversation models have yet to exhibit natural chat capabilities with humans. In this research, we examine user utterances as causes and generated responses as effects, recognizing that changes in a cause should produce a different effect. To further explore this concept, we have compiled and expanded upon a new dataset called CausalDialogue through crowd-sourcing. This dataset includes multiple cause-effect pairs within a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure. Our analysis reveals that traditional loss functions can struggle to effectively incorporate the DAG structure, leading us to propose a causality-enhanced method called Exponential Maximum Average Treatment Effect (ExMATE) to enhance the impact of causality at the utterance level in training neural conversation models. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, we have built a comprehensive benchmark using the CausalDialogue dataset leveraging large-scale pre-trained language models, and have assessed the results through both human and automatic evaluation metrics for coherence, diversity, and agility. Our findings show that current techniques are still unable to effectively address conversational DAGs, and that the ExMATE method can improve the diversity and agility of conventional loss functions while maintaining coherence.
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Business processes that involve AI-powered automation have been gaining importance and market share in recent years. These business processes combine the characteristics of classical business process management, goal-driven chatbots, conversational recommendation systems, and robotic process automation. In the new context, prescriptive process monitoring demands innovative approaches. Unfortunately, data logs from these new processes are still not available in the public domain. We describe the main challenges in this new domain and introduce a synthesized dataset that is based on an actual use case of intelligent process automation with chatbot orchestration. Using this dataset, we demonstrate crowd-wisdom and goal-driven approaches to prescriptive process monitoring.
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Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most prevalent cancers in men and many people around the world die from clinically significant PCa (csPCa). Early diagnosis of csPCa in bi-parametric MRI (bpMRI), which is non-invasive, cost-effective, and more efficient compared to multiparametric MRI (mpMRI), can contribute to precision care for PCa. The rapid rise in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are enabling unprecedented improvements in providing decision support systems that can aid in csPCa diagnosis and understanding. However, existing state of the art AI algorithms which are based on deep learning technology are often limited to 2D images that fails to capture inter-slice correlations in 3D volumetric images. The use of 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) partly overcomes this limitation, but it does not adapt to the anisotropy of images, resulting in sub-optimal semantic representation and poor generalization. Furthermore, due to the limitation of the amount of labelled data of bpMRI and the difficulty of labelling, existing CNNs are built on relatively small datasets, leading to a poor performance. To address the limitations identified above, we propose a new Zonal-aware Self-supervised Mesh Network (Z-SSMNet) that adaptatively fuses multiple 2D, 2.5D and 3D CNNs to effectively balance representation for sparse inter-slice information and dense intra-slice information in bpMRI. A self-supervised learning (SSL) technique is further introduced to pre-train our network using unlabelled data to learn the generalizable image features. Furthermore, we constrained our network to understand the zonal specific domain knowledge to improve the diagnosis precision of csPCa. Experiments on the PI-CAI Challenge dataset demonstrate our proposed method achieves better performance for csPCa detection and diagnosis in bpMRI.
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Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has attracted a large amount of attention from the machine learning research community in recent years due to its importance in deployed systems. Most of the previous studies focused on the detection of OOD samples in the multi-class classification task. However, OOD detection in the multi-label classification task remains an underexplored domain. In this research, we propose YolOOD - a method that utilizes concepts from the object detection domain to perform OOD detection in the multi-label classification task. Object detection models have an inherent ability to distinguish between objects of interest (in-distribution) and irrelevant objects (e.g., OOD objects) on images that contain multiple objects from different categories. These abilities allow us to convert a regular object detection model into an image classifier with inherent OOD detection capabilities with just minor changes. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art OOD detection methods and demonstrate YolOOD's ability to outperform these methods on a comprehensive suite of in-distribution and OOD benchmark datasets.
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We present the UC$^3$RL algorithm for regret minimization in Stochastic Contextual MDPs (CMDPs). The algorithm operates under the minimal assumptions of realizable function class, and access to offline least squares and log loss regression oracles. Our algorithm is efficient (assuming efficient offline regression oracles) and enjoys an $\widetilde{O}(H^3 \sqrt{T |S| |A|(\log (|\mathcal{F}|/\delta) + \log (|\mathcal{P}|/ \delta) )})$ regret guarantee, with $T$ being the number of episodes, $S$ the state space, $A$ the action space, $H$ the horizon, and $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{F}$ are finite function classes, used to approximate the context-dependent dynamics and rewards, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first efficient and rate-optimal regret minimization algorithm for CMDPs, which operates under the general offline function approximation setting.
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Outcome prediction is crucial for head and neck cancer patients as it can provide prognostic information for early treatment planning. Radiomics methods have been widely used for outcome prediction from medical images. However, these methods are limited by their reliance on intractable manual segmentation of tumor regions. Recently, deep learning methods have been proposed to perform end-to-end outcome prediction so as to remove the reliance on manual segmentation. Unfortunately, without segmentation masks, these methods will take the whole image as input, such that makes them difficult to focus on tumor regions and potentially unable to fully leverage the prognostic information within the tumor regions. In this study, we propose a radiomics-enhanced deep multi-task framework for outcome prediction from PET/CT images, in the context of HEad and neCK TumOR segmentation and outcome prediction challenge (HECKTOR 2022). In our framework, our novelty is to incorporate radiomics as an enhancement to our recently proposed Deep Multi-task Survival model (DeepMTS). The DeepMTS jointly learns to predict the survival risk scores of patients and the segmentation masks of tumor regions. Radiomics features are extracted from the predicted tumor regions and combined with the predicted survival risk scores for final outcome prediction, through which the prognostic information in tumor regions can be further leveraged. Our method achieved a C-index of 0.681 on the testing set, placing the 2nd on the leaderboard with only 0.00068 lower in C-index than the 1st place.
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We address the general task of structured commonsense reasoning: given a natural language input, the goal is to generate a graph such as an event -- or a reasoning-graph. To employ large language models (LMs) for this task, existing approaches ``serialize'' the output graph as a flat list of nodes and edges. Although feasible, these serialized graphs strongly deviate from the natural language corpora that LMs were pre-trained on, hindering LMs from generating them correctly. In this paper, we show that when we instead frame structured commonsense reasoning tasks as code generation tasks, pre-trained LMs of code are better structured commonsense reasoners than LMs of natural language, even when the downstream task does not involve source code at all. We demonstrate our approach across three diverse structured commonsense reasoning tasks. In all these natural language tasks, we show that using our approach, a code generation LM (CODEX) outperforms natural-LMs that are fine-tuned on the target task (e.g., T5) and other strong LMs such as GPT-3 in the few-shot setting.
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